

Templates are pre-made Strapi configurations designed for specific use cases. They allow bootstrapping a custom Strapi application. A template can configure collection types and single types, components and dynamic zones, and plugins.

🤓 Templates vs. Starters
  • A template is only useful once applied on top of a default Strapi application via the CLI. It is not a configured application and cannot be run on its own since it lacks many files (e.g. database configurations, package.json, etc.).
  • A starter is a pre-made frontend application that consumes a Strapi API.

Using a template

To create a new Strapi project based on a template, run the following command:

yarn create strapi-app my-project --template <template-package>

npm is used to install template packages, so <template-package> can match any format supported by npm install. This includes npm packages, scoped packages, packages with a precise version or tag, and local directories for development.

💡 Tip

For convenience, official Strapi templates also have a shorthand, making it possible to omit the @strapi/template- prefix from the template npm package name:

# use the full template name
yarn create strapi-app my-project --template @strapi/template-blog

# use the shorthand
yarn create strapi-app my-project --template blog

The --template option can be used in combination with all other create-strapi-app options (e.g. --quickstart or --no-run).

Creating a template

Templates are generated from a customized Strapi application and published to the npm package registry. Before creating a template make sure you have a Strapi application that matches your use case and that you have read the template requirements.


Keep the following requirements in mind when creating a template:

  • Templates should not deal with environment-specific configurations (e.g. databases or upload and email providers). This keeps templates maintainable and avoids conflicts with other CLI options (e.g. --quickstart).

  • Templates must follow a specific file structure, containing the following at the repository's root:

This structure can be created manually or automatically generated with the strapi templates:generate command:

yarn strapi templates:generate [path]

The repository root can contain any other files or directories desired, but must include the template directory, package.json file, and template.json file at a minimum.

template directory

The template directory is used to extend the file contents of a Strapi project and should only include the files that will overwrite the default Strapi application.

Only the following contents are allowed inside the template directory:

  • README.md: the readme of an application made with this template
  • .env.example to specify required environment variables
  • src/
  • data/ to store the data imported by a seed script
  • public/ to serve files
  • scripts/ for custom scripts

If any unexpected file or directory is found, the installation will crash.

template.json file

The template.json is used to extend the Strapi application's default package.json. All properties overwriting the default package.json should be included in a root package property:


"package": {
"dependencies": {
"@strapi/plugin-graphql": "^4.0.0"
"scripts": {
"custom": "node ./scripts/custom.js"

Packaging and publishing

With the above requirements in mind, follow these steps to create and publish a template:

  1. Create a standard Strapi application with create-strapi-app, using the --quickstart option.
  2. Customize your application to match the needs of your use case.
  3. Generate your template using the CLI by running strapi templates:generate <path>
  4. Navigate to this path to see your generated template.
  5. If you have modified your application's package.json, include these changes (and only these changes) in template.json in a package property. If not, leave it as an empty object.
  6. Enter npm publish to make your template available on the npm package registry.
🤓 List of templates

Strapi-maintained templates and community-maintained templates can be found on GitHub.